
In the 1980s, Detroit’s Muslim community embarked on the critical task of bringing Muslim communities under an umbrella. At that time there was no united platform to tackle issues that impacted Michigan’s diverse Muslim community. The Muslim leadership began work on the creation of a Council, bringing together partners from multiple Muslim sects, ethnicities, and races. The Council of Islamic Organizations of Michigan was eventually established in 1988 and was formally incorporated in 1993.

COM played a largely uniting role on behalf of the Muslim community since the 1980s. The very first organized effort of the developing Council was an annual Eid Unity Banquet in celebration of the end of Ramadan that also allowed the Muslim community to be recognized by the political, media, and civic leaders in the state of Michigan, as a distinct and single faith community. At that time, CIOM partnered with Channel 62 to broadcast the TV program, Islam. COM began an extensive outreach effort working with civic and interfaith groups across the state.

CIOM has been a strong united voice of the community to counter anti-Muslim bigotry. Growing concern about media portrayal of Muslims after 9/11 terrorist attacks, civil rights concerns and the need to collaborate with the government on various security and policy issues led to a further adjustment in CIOM’s Mission in expanding its work of building wider community relations and responding to various needs of the Muslim community.  Greater emphasis was placed on seeking allies among leaders in government, religious, and other leading institutions, and on shaping public opinion through media relations and coalition-building activities. CIOM coordinated a variety of Open Houses, education, and service activities.

A parallel council, Islamic Shura Council of Michigan (ISCOM), was established in 2005 to focus on community service projects among the Sunni mosques. ISCOM has invested over $100,000 in community partnerships including with HUDA Clinic and Muslim Family Services. The Shura Council also helped rehabilitate numerous inner-city mosques and feed thousands through their annual Oudhiya program.

At a joint meeting of the larger Muslim community in January 2011, Michigan’s Muslim community stakeholders called for a merger between CIOM & ISCOM for greater unity and to pool the limited resources together. CIOM and ISCOM merged in 2012 , forming the Michigan Muslim Community Council (MMCC). The MMCC is the product of this historic merger and is now a representative forum of Michigan’s Muslim community, and it will enhance the work of its predecessor organizations and the community at large, Inshallah (if God wills).
